Content is a massive part of your business marketing.

So, if it isn’t currently, then it should be!

Content gets your business in front of the right kind of people, tells them what you do and funnels people through your sales pipeline.

As you know, that doesn’t happen by accident! 

All of your content needs to work together to deliver consistent, on point messaging.

That all begins with your blog.

You know when you sit down to do a puzzle and you get all the edge pieces in place first? So you know what you are working with?

Well, your blog is your edge pieces.

You can use your blog as the starting point to build the rest of the puzzle from.

Here’s how to build the whole puzzle, starting with your blog.


How To Use Your Blog As The First Piece Of The Content Puzzle


Blogs Are A Great Starting Point

It’s no secret that I think blogs are pretty great. 

You can use your blog as an amazing starting point for your monthly content. Here’s why:

  • Gives you a central theme for you to focus your messaging on for the month
  • Provides the opportunity to regularly update your website, making Google like your site even more
  • Allows you the opportunity to rank for another keyword, giving you more chances to appear in Google search results
  • Gives your audience greater insight into who you are and what you do
  • Provides the opportunity to showcase your expertise and how amazing you are at what you do
  • Shows your audience you are committed to what you do and are worthy of their trust
  • Builds strong relationships with your audience

All of that is great! But, not everyone is hanging out on your website just waiting for you to post your next article. 

And, organic SEO can be a slow burning process, so it can take several months until your content regularly shows up in search results.

In spite of all that, your blog post is like the foundation for your monthly content. Without that blog, it makes it SO much harder to create the rest of your content. Your blog is the springboard for all the other stuff that raises your visibility.


Repurposing 101

Alright, so you have your blog. As I mentioned above, that means you have laid the foundation. Now, you can build some walls and a roof to round off that whole package.

You can do that by repurposing the content and ideas already created in your blog across your other marketing channels. Here are two main ways you can do that:


Social Media is another key part of the content puzzle. Without social media, it is difficult to gain brand awareness and reach a new audience of ideal clients. But, it can be sooooooo time consuming trying to think up new things to post.

Thankfully, when you have a blog, you don’t have to. You can simply draw on the ideas raised in that article and build on them. Share the link to your blog to drive web traffic, pull out paragraphs to form stand alone social posts, or draw out impactful sentences and add them to a graphic.

Then, take it next level and go Live to introduce your blog or film video snippets that delve into the main points in greater detail. 

Share your repurposed content on your business pages, professional profiles, and in any online business groups that you are part of.


While socials are great for brand awareness, the inbox is the place for building strong relationships and making conversions. 

That is because the people in your email list are invested in what you do. They have chosen to be there, joining your list through newsletter sign ups, lead magnets, discovery calls, or by becoming a client. They are a warm audience waiting for the right offer from you.

And your blog is the perfect way to connect with them and deliver something of value each and every month. When it comes to your email list, selling should not be your first focus, you need to build a good relationship of trust before you can ask for the sale.

By simply adding a lead in piece within an email and a link to your blog, you are creating a newsletter that connects and delivers value consistently. Don’t forget to throw in an opportunity for people to buy as well, in case some of your list are ready and waiting for the opportunity!


Working Smarter, Not Harder

Content is essential for your business. It generates traffic and converts prospects into paying customers. But, it can be an absolute nightmare to create.

Coming up with new ideas on a daily basis is virtually impossible. Which is why it is so important to work smarter by repurposing your blog into material for your other marketing channels. 

That way, you can bring in more traffic and leads, boosting your marketing in less time than ever before. 

Still, there is no denying that content takes a long time to write. Often you can kiss goodbye to at least half a day when you sit down to create your blog.

Then, by the time you have edited and repurposed it, a whole day has disappeared. If you would like to gain that day back in your business every week, fortnight or month, then consider outsourcing the whole task to a content writer like myself.

I specialise in creating quality cornerstone blog content, and then repurposing it for your social pages and your newsletter. If you would like to know more about how it can work in your business, then jump in a free strategy call with me today. 

Book a convenient time to chat here.

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