What am I going to write in my newsletter? I never know what to say to my audience.

How can I come up with new ideas every month?

Does this sound like you?

If it does, you are not alone. 

Many, many people struggle with what to put in their newsletters. 

In fact, the idea of coming up with content paralyses so many business owners, that they don’t even put a newsletter out.

Thankfully, there is a very easy solution to those newsletter woes!

That answer is your blog.

Let me tell you how it works.


If You Have A Blog Post, You Have A Newsletter

When you write a blog you aren’t just producing an article for your website. You are producing a cornerstone piece of content that can be used across all of your different marketing channels throughout the month.

Your newsletter included.

Your blog post can become the centrepiece of your newsletter.

I actually wrote a blog on all the ways you can repurpose your blog posts last week. You can read it here

But, I digress! Back to newsletters…

As I said, your blog post can form the basis of your monthly newsletter. You can be as imaginative as you like, from simply copy and pasting the blog into a newsletter template, right through to using it as an underlying theme. 

Here is how you can do it:


Just The Blog

Your audience are on your email list as they want to hear what you have to say. They love to have access to your knowledge and expertise. 

And your blog posts are a perfect example of the inner workings of your brain.

You can quite literally use your blog post as your newsletter. Whether you choose to copy and paste the whole thing into an email or use the first paragraph with a link to the rest of the blog included, is up to you. 

Just remember to have some kind of a call to action included in there so that people that are ready to buy can take the next step with your business easily. 


The Blog + A Sales Offering

The point of a newsletter is to deliver value. That should be your main focus. After all, do you like receiving spammy sales messages?

Didn’t think so!

By including your blog, you are delivering on the value part right away. Your audience are going to learn something new and become even more familiar with your business. 

For those that are already familiar and have a high degree of trust, it can be a good idea to include a sales offer. Then, it makes it easy for the people who want to buy from you.

Also, if you have a free discovery call offer, you should include that in your newsletter too. That way, it is a risk free way for your subscribers to chat more with you and it gives you an opportunity to follow up with them!


Using The Blog’s Theme

There will be some strong messages in your blog. You can build on those messages and dive into them deeper in your newsletter.

Include some other complementary articles, a video, or graphics that build on the theme that your blog has started. That way you can deliver even more value to your audience.

Like all the other options, include a way for people to buy from you in this newsletter format also. Bonus points if the sales offer follows the same theme as the rest of the content!


Which Option Is Right For My Business?

The decision of what kind of newsletter to send largely depends on how much time you have and how frequently you send your newsletter.

If you send a weekly update, then you might find that the ‘blog only’ option is best for you. It means you can get the content out to your list without the massive time commitment. However, if you only send a monthly communication, you might want to choose one of the more in depth options. 

There is no right or wrong answer on what you need to send your list and when you need to send it. Just do what feels right for you and your audience.

The key is, making that blog post work for you! Now that you have written it, get it out there!


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