Do you struggle to find content for your social media?

You know social media is a fantastic tool.

You know you need to use it well to gain maximum brand awareness and to generate leads. Which means posting great content for your followers to engage with.

But how on earth do you come up with the content to post on there each and every week?

Well, the answer may be simpler than you think. The answer actually lies within your blogs.

In fact, your blog is where the content magic all starts.

Not only is it a standalone piece of content in itself, but it is a great foundation for the rest of the content you need to create in the month.

When you write a blog, you are actually building a content foundation to draw from. All you need is a little bit of expert repurposing.

This is what I mean…


Repurposing 101: Using Your Blog As A Foundation For All Your Content

Building A Strong Content Foundation

When you build a house, the first step is to pour a rock solid foundation. Doing this sets you up for a number of follow on steps. 

It helps you to…

  • Know the parameters of your house and what shape it will take in the end
  • Have a strong base to build on. Without a foundation, your house would sink and maybe even disappear! 
  • Get started. Often the key to success is just getting started!

So, why am I talking about housing foundations? 

Well, I am setting up a clever analogy for how you can use your blog as the foundation for all of your social media content.

Your blog sets you up for social media content just like that housing foundation. Here’s how…

  • It gives you the parameters for what you might post. Following the same theme as your blog means you don’t have to think up new ideas and your messaging is consistent on all channels.
  • It is the strong base you need to draw content from
  • Your blog is your starting point. You have created a great piece. That will then be the motivation you need to easily produce your social media content. 


Working Smarter Not Harder

When you are running a business, there are not a lot of spare hours in the day. So you don’t want to waste any working harder than you have to!

By repurposing the content you have already created, you are working smarter. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel every week on social media, you simply need to give your audience what they want to read.

By utilising your interesting and engaging blog content, you are doing just that!


Repurposing Ideas

So, now you know that repurposing is great, how can you do it?

Here are just a few ways that you can utilise one blog post:

  • Share a link to your blog on each of your social media platforms
  • Pick out a key phrase or idea in the blog and turn it into a graphic or a meme
  • Carve up the written content and post each subheading as a standalone post
  • Repost a portion of the blog as a LinkedIn article
  • Record a short video talking about the main points of your blog
  • Put together a short intro, followed by your blog content and it becomes a newsletter to your database
  • Share the link or part of the content in online business groups that you belong to

These are just some of the ideas that you can use and they all stem from just one blog post!

So, if you are ready to start working smarter, utilise your blog post for more than just driving traffic to your website or boosting your SEO. Really maximise the content and highlight your expertise in as many places as possible!


If you need some help pulling together some repurposed content, then get in touch with me today!

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