Business, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Uncategorized
Great, you have set aside time in your diary to write. You are going to get so much done! But wait… the words aren’t flowing… Maybe you need a snack? Maybe a quick visit to the toilet would help? Suddenly, half of the time you set aside has already disappeared and...
Business, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Uncategorized
Do you struggle to find content for your social media? You know social media is a fantastic tool. You know you need to use it well to gain maximum brand awareness and to generate leads. Which means posting great content for your followers to engage with. But how on...
Business, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Uncategorized
Christmas! New Year! Summer! I know, I know, I said the “C” word. Do you find you look forward to Christmas less and less now that you run your own business? When you had a “proper” job at an office or wherever you work POB (pre-own-business), Christmas was...