Content Creation, FAQ, Uncategorized
Writing for your business can be really easy. After all, who knows what you do better than you right? You could probably wax on for hours about your business. But how do you know if what you are writing is going to be well received? There is no point spending the...
Content Creation, FAQ, Uncategorized
So, what is a copywriter? It’s a question I get asked all the time. It’s a question my husband gets asked all the time when he tells people what I do. In fact, he had resorted to telling them I was a writer. Until that brought up questions of where I had...
Content Creation, Email Marketing, Uncategorized
What do you think of when someone says good content? Something free from spelling mistakes? Something that has nailed the correct uses of there, their and they’re? Or even something that is written in a way that you can clearly understand? Well it is all of those...