Business, Content Creation, Uncategorized
We all know that including keywords in your blogs, articles and webpages can help to boost your SEO. But, just where do they go? Should they be in every second sentence? Should you list them five times at the end of the piece? Or maybe you should jam them in as many...
Business, Content Creation, Uncategorized
Finding the right keywords for your business can be described as one part science and one part crystal ball gazing. After all, to choose effective terms, you need to know what people are typing into the search engines when they are looking for businesses in your...
Business, Content Creation, Uncategorized
If you have read anything on SEO, you will know it is more complicated than simply adding some keywords into your content. There is a lot that goes into a well optimised website. While you don’t need to know the ins and outs of coding and web design, it is important...