Love is in the air… everywhere I look around…

Yes, the month of love is upon us again. And in honour of Valentines Day, I wanted to help you fall in love with your writing. John Paul Young might see love in the air everywhere, but when it comes to creating content, it can be hard to love writing all the time!

(Funny story, I actually charmed John Paul Young as a tiny little 2 year old tot at a random party my parents attended as I sat on his knee while he sang songs for the kids. But that is a completely different story!)

So if you have fallen out of love with your content writing, have a look at these tips to help you fall back in love again…


14 Ways To Love Writing


1: Write What You Love

It goes without saying that to love what you write, you write about what you love. If you write about topics you are passionate for then it will help the words to flow.


2: Don’t Force It

You will spend hours trying to get 3 sentences on the page if you try and force writing when you are not in the mood. If you aren’t feeling it at the time, then do a different task instead. Come back to it when you are feeling more inspired.


3: Have A Plan

If you like to plan things out, then knowing what you are going to write and when you are going to write it can help. Creating a content plan will remove the need to think on the fly. You just sit down and create a masterpiece on your chosen topic. You can grab my blog content plan and 12 topic ideas freebie download here…


4: Write Somewhere Different

Choose a location (or locations) that you can write in. Getting out of your usual environment can spark your creativity and get the words flowing. If you can stand the noise, hole up in a cafe and treat yourself to a coffee and a muffin. Or, grab that coffee to take away and find a shady spot outdoors.


5: Write To Your Ideal Client

You know those clients who are just amazing. The ones that are on your wavelength, that give you want you need and are so easy to work with? Write with them in mind. By writing in the way that your ideal client thinks, you will attract them to your business.


6: Schedule Time For It

Your writing can easily seem like a chore if you don’t leave sufficient time to fit it into your week. Instead of making it an add-on task, schedule time in your calendar to do your content creation. Create yourself a writing routine with actions that trigger your passion to write. It will prevent you from losing momentum and help you to write consistently.


7: Find Your Voice

You will find it very hard to write if you are trying to use a voice that isn’t your own. Writing in your own voice will allow you to love writing, but it will also show your readers your personality. This makes you more relatable and draws like minded people to your content.


8: Get Warmed Up

You might find it useful to pull out your journal and do a quick block of journaling. This will take the brakes off and get you warmed up to write your content.


9: Ditch The Self Criticism

That inner doubt is probably your biggest critic. Put a big strip of duct tape over their mouth and don’t listen to a word they have to say. Write with confidence and you will be amazed by what ends up on the page.


10: Let Go Of Perfectionism

If you wait until a piece is perfect, you will never publish it. Just get it to a point that you are happy with and hit publish. The comments and compliments you receive will prove that nothing has to be 100% perfect to be 100% readable.


11: Practice Makes Perfect

Writing is not something that comes naturally to everyone. But with practice you can improve your skills at anything. Writing is no exception. Keep practising and polish your skills, you will find the words start to flow easier.


12: Find Your Uniqueness

If you can find your unique point of difference, your writing will stand out amongst the rest. People will love to read what you write and you will fall in love writing it for them.


13: Know You Will Have To Edit

Don’t expect to turn out a perfect piece of writing in your first draft. That is why it is called a draft. Just get the words out onto the page. Then you can edit it into your masterpiece.


14: Ignore The Haters

When you put your thoughts and opinions out into the world, chances are you are going to attract some haters. But don’t let them get you down. Instead, take it as a compliment. If people are hating on what you have written you are generating a response. Your content won’t resonate with everyone, so focus on the ones that appreciate what you write and forget the ones who don’t.


So there you have it, 14 lovely, love-encouraging ways to love writing. In all seriousness, writing can be hard. You might not love it all the time, but keep creating and publishing. You will love the awesome feedback that you get in return!


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