Business, Content Creation, Uncategorized
You know that blogging is beneficial for your business. But, as a business owner, you are already wearing too many hats, can you really add writer to that list as well? It would be so easy to have someone else create the content for you, right? But, you have...
Business, Content Creation, Uncategorized
One of the things that puts people off having a business blog is the fear of needing to be an expert writer. Putting your writing out into the world can be scary! After all, you are opening up the inner workings of your mind to strangers. What will they think? Will...
Business, Content Creation
What kind of perception are people getting when they engage with your business? Do they instantly get a good feeling about who you are and what you do? If your brand is not telling the right story, then you could be turning people away without meaning to. And those...