It is such a satisfying feeling to have that shiny content plan all filled in.
You know exactly what you are going to write and when you are going to write it.
But, what if you sit down to write and you aren’t feeling the plan that day? Those blog topics you so carefully put together. The ones you lovingly crafted.
It almost feels criminal to not want to write it up, right?
Do you know what… it happens. And it happens to us all.
I actually had a completely different blog topic in mind for you all this week. But, I sat down to write it and had nothing.
I couldn’t find a way to start it, I couldn’t even come up with some sub headings to fill in.
That’s how I knew it wasn’t the right topic or me to put together today.
So, here’s what you can do if you aren’t feeling the blog topic that you are meant to be writing today…
When You Aren’t Feeling A Blog Topic…
Pick Something Different
The simplest solution is to simply pick something different.
If it works out, you can simply move onto the next topic on the list in your content plan. But, that won’t always work when you have marketing campaigns set to run at certain times.
So, if you can’t simply move to the next blog on the list, it is time to have a bit of a brainstorm.
Here’s some ideas:
- Set a timer for one minute on your phone and use that one minute to write down as many ideas as you can. Note anything that comes to mind that relates to your business. You might come up with a topic you can use.
- See if you can pivot your current topic into something that you are getting a good vibe from.
- Go to for some inspiration. Simply type in a keyword and have a look at what comes up.
- Take the chance to write a personal blog topic. Talk about your story, something you are struggling with, a pet peeve in your industry, or your opinion about something.
Come Back To It Later
If you aren’t feeling the topic right now, then you could just try coming back to it later. Sometimes a cup of tea and breath of fresh air can be enough to refocus your thoughts and to get the creative juices flowing.
And if that doesn’t work, you can try leaving it overnight or until next week.
Beware that you don’t fall into the trap of delaying it indefinitely and losing your momentum on your blogging as a whole. If you still aren’t feeling the topic a week later, then use some of the tips above to come up with a new idea.
Outsource It
Just because you are having trouble putting the topic together does not mean that it isn’t a good topic. It might simply need some fresh perspective from a third party.
You could consider outsourcing the topic to a professional blog writer. The beauty of using someone outside your business is that they come at it with your ideal client in mind. They won’t have the same blocks about writing the content that you will.
Instead, they will simply complete any necessary research and pull together a great piece that your audience will love. You still get your piece written without having to deal with any of the writing block or time investment.
If you would like to chat about outsourcing your blogging, then book a time to speak with me today. I love to write all those topics you just can’t get started on!
Why You Shouldn’t Push Through
It can be tempting to try and push through and write the topic anyway. But I promise you, if you try and push through, it won’t be your best work.
And that will show in your writing.
If you are bored writing it, then your readers are likely to be bored too. You will also find it difficult to come up with the right words to get your point across. All in all, it will end up being a piece that you constantly tweak and are never happy with.
It is best to put it on pause, pick a new topic, or outsource it.