Oh writing about me, I’m an expert on me. So it should be easy to write about myself right? Wrong!

Writing about yourself seems like the hardest thing in the world to do. When it’s time to write a bio the nervousness arrives, the panic rises and you sweat in places that you didn’t know could sweat. But why is that? Why does it feel so icky to have to sit down and write about yourself?

Having a bio and a killer about page are so important, but they are such a challenge to produce. Let’s explore why…


Why Is It Icky To Write A Bio or About Page?


The Pressure

You know that it is vital to have a great bio to sell your services and bring clients in the door. But because it is vital, the pressure to write something out of this world can be overwhelming.

What do you write, what do you say, how can you possibly live up to this standard you have set. Surely you cannot produce the level of perfection that is needed for a bio. The fear gets you and you might produce something mediocre, or put it in the too-hard basket instead.


The Self Doubt

When you sit down to write about how great you are meant to be, that self doubt can begin to creep in. Maybe no one cares about my story, maybe I am not good enough to be running this business, maybe I can’t do it.

Self doubt can be crippling. But if you can use the right words people will be queuing up to hear your story, and the constant stream of paying clients will validate that you can do it and you certainly are good enough!


Balancing Act

Trying to balance the tone of your content is so hard! You know you have to brag about your achievements a little bit to give people confidence that you know what you are.talking about. If you can’t prove that you are good at what you do then why would anyone want to work with you?

But you don’t want to take it too far. Bragging too much can make you sound arrogant and turn potential customer away. It is so hard to strike that delicate balance of singing your own praises enough, but not too much.


Looking Within

To write your bio you need to look back on what you have achieved so that you can work it into your content. It can be really confronting to evaluate your history and how successful you have been. Sometimes it can make you question if you have done enough, if you could have achieved more, or if you took the right path to get to today.

You are your experiences. Without those experiences you would be a different person, you could not offer your clients the same expertise that you do now. Be proud of your past and own your achievements, you are smashing everyone who is afraid to take a step towards pursuing their dreams.


Drawing Comparisons

It can be very easy to draw comparisons between yourself and others. Maybe they have achieved more, maybe they did it quicker than you, maybe they have earned more money.

Quite frankly, who cares. Nothing you can do will affect what someone else has achieved. But you can control your own future, so focus your energies on that instead.


You Are Not Alone

Writing a bio or your About Page is hard for everyone. It is hard to know what to say, how to say it and how far to go. That confusion can result in an icky, embarrassed feeling. By nature humans are humble creatures, for a lot of us bragging does not come naturally.

Almost every single business owner I have met struggles with writing this personal content, so you are not alone. The next edition in this blog series might make this task a bit easier for you, it’s the Critical Elements You Need For Your About Page or Bio.

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